Once you have found something that you would like to purchase, send us an email with the subject “ORDER” in the following format to lovemissretro@gmail.com
Email Address:
Item No:
Mode Of Delivery: Normal Mail/Registered Mail
Upon the receipt of your order email, we will send you a confirmation email which will include our bank account details to enable you to make payment. You will also be informed in the event that an item is sold out.
We would appreciate it if you do not haggle over the price as prices quoted are non-negotiable.
Payment can be made via ibanking or ATM to Miss Retro’s POSB account. Once you have made payment, email us your payment details. For ibanking, you will need to provide us with your ibanking nick, wherereas for ATM transfers, you will need to send us a snapshot (no scans allowed) of your transaction receipt. We reserve all rights to reject any orders without the snapshot. No refunds will be entertained. To secure your purchase, please make payment within 24 hours upon receipt of our confirmation.
We do not practice reservation of items and abide by the first to pay policy. That is, the lady that makes payment first will get the last piece of the item.
Upon receipt of your payment, we will mail out your purchase within 3 working days.
Delivery Charges And Condition
Postage prices will vary (depending on the weight). Normal charges will be $1.50 per item, $1.00 extra for each additional item.
Registered mail is always encouraged although it costs $2.24 more on top of the normal postage.
Miss Retro will not be held responsible for any items damaged or lost if you opt to have your purchase sent by normal mail.